Cameron Costello
Board Director
Mr Cameron Costello is a Quandamooka traditional owner from the Moreton Bay region. Cameron has dedicated his professional life to advocating for the rights of First Nations Peoples, and encouraging a robust, equitable and environmentally sustainable society. Cameron brings a rich 25-year legacy of delivering First Nations arts and cultural policies, programs and infrastructure including the establishment of the Queensland Government’s Backing Indigenous Arts Program, Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, and the Black Diamonds Program for Brisbane City Council.
Following his recent role as CEO of the Quandamooka Peoples Native Title Body, in 2020, he received both the Griffith Business School's Outstanding First Peoples Alumnus Award and the University of Queensland Indigenous Community Impact Award.
As a qualified lawyer, he has worked previously in the legal sector, is a current member of the UQ Law Advisory Board and was recently appointed to the Queensland Government’s First Nations Consultative Committee to establish a Voice model to the Queensland Parliament.
Cameron was recently appointed to the Queensland Government’s Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympics Legacy Committee is on a number of arts and cultural committees including the Arts Queensland First Nations Advisory Committee, and the Boards of QMUSIC, Queensland Ballet, HOTA (Home Of The Arts), and the Aboriginal Centre for Performing Arts (ACPA).
Cameron is currently the Deputy Chair of the Queensland Tourism Industry Council and the Interim Chair of the Queensland First Nations Tourism Council. He runs his own consultancy practice and has worked across private and public sectors in Queensland focusing on enabling organisations to improve their Indigenous engagement strategies.
Cameron is passionate about inspiring others, using entrepreneurial skills to enrich the lives of the next generation, empowering them to become advocates and carers of Country, keeping culture strong and working together toward a bright tomorrow.