Professional networking events
To support and promote the Queensland dance sector, we host a suite of networking events in for leaders in arts education, providing opportunities for creative discussions, sharing of ideas and to connect industry with the community.

#Upcoming Events
Education leaders networking event
To strengthen Queensland Ballet’s connection to education leaders in South-East Queensland, this invitation only event welcomes school Principals, kindergarten Directors and arts educators to an exclusive experience at our home in West End.
This event provides a platform for leaders across arts and education to converge and collaborate. Invitations will be sent in mid 2022.
Contact us
If you are interested in finding out more about these events, please feel free to email or call QB's Community Engagements Team on or call us on 07 3013 6666.
#Discover more
Dance teacher training
Whether you're a dance teacher or educator, you could benefit from learning about delivering dance and movement activities to students. Become a certified Queensland Ballet dance teacher today.
Professional development workshops
Queensland Ballet provides a range of professional development opportunities for dance and school teachers to upskill and understand the value of dance in children's lives.
Classroom resources
Incorporate parts of dance, movement, production and music into daily learning activities with Queensland Ballet online classroom resources.